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24 Content Rich Courses at a massive discount.
Boost your health and ability to live at your peak state consistency... with these powerful programs.

Breathing In Flow Video Series
In this book and training, I’m going to teach you that less is more and that when you do less, you will gain more in the performance of your skill, sport or profession. By the end of the course, you will have an understanding of the science and the results that reinforce the phrase “less is more”. This book’s purpose to not just to give you knowledge, but you give you the tools for the experience.

The heart of flow ebook and video series.
Learn to naturally stimulate this stress-relieving nerve to accelerate your recovery, health and performance. Your very own step-by-step roadmap on how to dramatically improve your longevity, health and performance while eliminating chronic illness, injuries, low testosterone, poor brain function, long recovery times, anxiety, fatigue, sleep problems, respiratory conditions, and controlling weight gain issues

Optimal Performance Meditation

The Flow Roll Course
The Flow Roll Course is designed to physically drive your attention into what researchers call ‘THE DEEP NOW’. This “Deep Now” is a state of present heightened focus that has been known as the Zone, the Pocket. And we know it as “The Flow State”. This Course slow fires the 6 triggers by layering the challenge of the activity.

Flow Movement Games

Kali Sumbrada
Triggering the Flow State with this powerful Filipino Martial Arts drill called Sumbrada. We walk you through the 6 steps to form this partner training drill. Once learnt, you will easily trigger flow and open yourself towards hit that sweet spot of this drill. In that sweet spot you will feel yourself dissolving into the action of the movement. You, your partner and the drill will feel at one. Plus when your turn up the speed, you will finish with the flow "after glow" buzz.

The Flow Of Productivity
Discover The Step-By-Step System The World’s Top Performers Use To Tap Into Their Body’s Natural “Rhythm” AND Boost Your Productivity By 500% Without Working Longer Hours, Sacrificing Time With Your Family Or Burning Out!

Flow Fundamentals
Flow Fundamentals is your quick tips and Q&As area. I update this page with new tips and techniques to allow you to both further your understanding of the flow state and deeper your connection to flow.

The Way Of The Muse
Detailed ebook on Neurofeedback where I will walk your through the Science of the Brain, Brain Waves, Our Brain In Flow, Electroencephalography (Electro-ence-phal-ography) aka EEG. And pull it all together by using the home EEG device called The Muse.

Deep Flow Meditations
Deep Flow Meditations will drive you deeper into the flow state of your past experiences and of the experiences of others. Start training today and learn these 4 new powerful meditations called; Drifting, Mirroring, Free Flow 3, Free Flow 7.

The Science Of Flow
7 Video Tutorials On The Science Behind The Flow State. Why we feel at "One" when we perform or sport in the Flow State. And how this same feeling of being at "One is the same Buddhist monks experience during deep Meditation. 5 Reasons why being in the Flow State is SO Addictive...

The Path To Flow
Flow Chain Tutorials takes a deeper look into how to hack in and stay in the flow state. How to use the code to train yourself to maintain flow. Understanding the autonomic nervous systems link to flow. And how to work and work with your ANS through heart rate variability.

Flow Triggering Games
Flow Triggering Games, are designed like all our Flow Chain training programs, to trigger the Flow State. Here we purposely activate the left and right hemispheres of the brain to trigger your heightened performance state. Flow Number Sequences are trained in different languages while juggling

Schulte Tables

The Superhuman Code
The Superhuman Code is a blend of ancient techniques and modern day knowledge to hack you directly into your subconscious mind creating the by-product called transient Hypofrontality. The Code gives you instant flow meditation plus weapons to guide you into a life in Flow.

Master The Superhuman Code
Master The Superhuman Code. Once you complete the Superhuman code you are ready to Master the inner art of flow. Inside: 12 detailed videos dedicated to the Flow State, 10 razor targeting flow meditations with the likes of; The Re-living Flow Meditations, Skill Developer Meditations and the Deep Imprinting Flow Meditations. Plus, The Master the Superhuman Code Ebook which is jam-packed with 42 pages guiding you step by step towards becoming flow.

Elite Flow Program
The Elite Flow Is designed physically drive your attention into the what researchers call ‘THE DEEP NOW’. This “Deep Now” is a state of present heightened focus that has been known as the Zone, the Pocket. And we know it as “The Flow State”. Research undertaken by the Flow Genome Project has shown that we have “ flow triggers” that drive us into Flow.

Movement Meditation
Movement Meditation is a course incorporating practical training towards hacking you into the flow state. Not only do the physical movements hack you into flow, but you have get 4 extra powerful tools to accelerate the process. Breathing, Meditation, binaural beats and an EEG device called Muse

The Instant Flow Meditation
The Instant Flow Quick Guide is a streamlined package for accelerating you into the flow state. I will walk you through this simple 3 step formula so you will quickly hack flow anytime you want!

The 9 Components Meditation
Learn & Experience The 9 Components of Flow with this Powerful Flow State Meditation Course. The 9 Components Meditation. Here we hacking to your past experiences of the 9 Components and use to trigger a Powerful Flow State Meditation.

Flow State Workouts
4 flow state workouts, for you to select according to your HRV score. Inside your introduction video will explain how to make a workout flow. I will discuss - Monitor your heart rate variability - Setting your intention - Perform your workout with the correct rate of perceived exertion - Breathe through your nose with your mouth taped up.

Flow State for fighters: Boxing Drills
This flow state triggering drill is a must for any fighter. Physically get triggered into flow with these 5 variations of a powerful boxing drill. I also strongly recommend any fitness based flow hackers to use this drill with your training partners. Its great fun and highly affective trigger.

Taoist Movements
The Ancient Taoist Movements have been handed down orally from generations to generations and were practiced in secret by Tao monks in China in their temples on the mountain Huan Shan, in the Shaanxi province

Kali Flow
Kali Flow. Using the Filipino Martial Arts to trigger the flow state. 9 Course Videos building a large flow triggering workout. Simultaneously developing a range of cognitive functions which are umbrella under the name Executive Functions.
24 Content Rich Courses at a massive discount.
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