Do You “Burn Out” After Two Weeks Of HARD WORK?
Discover The Step-By-Step System The World’s Top Performers Use To Tap Into Their Body’s Natural “Rhythm” for entering The Flow State.
Results: Boost Your Productivity By 500% Without Working Longer Hours, Sacrificing Time With Your Family, Hitting the Wall Or Burning Out!
Everything You’ve Ever Been Taught About Productivity Until Now Has Been A LIE…
If you’re feeling overwhelmed at work and that your home life is spinning out of control…
Are stressed out, anxious and on the EDGE daily because you don’t have enough time to get things done…
Or are tired of working yourself into exhaustion...
Then I urge you to read this letter to the very end... The information inside will change your view on productivity and hard work forever...
“Wilson… are we still good for tonight? or Is this going to be like last time?”
The clock struck 8:00 PM.
I was sitting at my desk trying to hack my way into the flow when my wife walked into the room.
I told myself this week would be different.
I was going to finish every task I set for myself…
No excuses.
But she’d made plans for us that evening.
I looked at the post-it note with my todo list and thought there was no way I’d be able to finish everything in time.
I had to make a decision.
To focus on my business and meet the deadlines I set myself…
Or keep the promise I made to my wife.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened to me.
Not at all…
My experience with the flow has always been a positive one…
I’d enjoyed the improved productivity but I still wasn’t able to unlock my full potential all the time.
One minute I’d be in flow working through my tasks knocking them off one by one… the next I’d be feeling burnt out as the to-do list grew longer and longer...
As a professional athlete, I’d always prescribed to a fighting through the pain…
Mind over matter I repeated to myself.
I could make this work.
It had been weeks since I’d taken a day off…
But I just kept fighting and pushing forward trying to make every minute as productive as possible…
When I’d try to rest or take time off to be with my wife my inner critic would tell me to get back to work…
“You’re being lazy…”
“Stop being such a wimp…”
“You’re never going to succeed in life…”
These dangerous thoughts were the writing on the wall trying to tell me something was wrong…
The three weeks leading up to this moment had been some of the hardest hours I’ve ever poured into my business.
I was working late to meet deadlines... scrambling from project to project.
My body was exhausted, my work was suffering and It was starting to take a toll on my marriage.
I thought If I just kept working eventually I’d reach the light at the end of the tunnel…
But when my wife walked into the room that night I wasn’t sure what I was going to do…
She could tell by the look in my eyes that something was wrong… She cancelled our plans.
The next morning I imploded and gave into bad habits.
I felt like a shell of the man I once was.
Being a flowstate expert I thought hacking my way back into flow would give me the superpowers I needed to finish my work…
But nothing was happening...
My energy had been drained...
I couldn’t go on like this.
My body was begging me to stop…
So was my wife.
I tried to pick up some productivity hacks to help get some work done but I couldn’t…
My business just sat there. Put on hold as the work kept piling up.
After a week of FORCED rest, I could feel my energy starting to recover… I felt a sense of confidence and motivation washing back over me…
I made a vow that I would never let my hard work take me out of my business or my marriage like that again…
I needed to find a solution.
Hi, I’m Wilson And I Didn’t Realise That I Was Running My Body Into The Ground Trying To ‘Work Through The Pain’…

The story above happened to me a few years ago… and in the next few minutes, I’m going to share with you the secret I discovered for avoiding burnout, improving productivity and getting more done so I could spend time with my wife…
And I’m going to show you how you can use this secret to boost your productivity by 500%!
It took me years to figure this out but I’m finally ready to share the most important productivity HACK I’ve ever discovered.
But before I can share this information with you I want you to understand that…
Society Is Dead WRONG When It Comes To Productivity! Forcing Yourself To Work Harder Is Not The Answer To Reaching Your Goals… And “Hustle Culture” Is Dangerous To Your Long Term Success!
You can’t ESCAPE the hard work propaganda being pushed by society…
“No Matter How Hard You Work, Someone Is Working Harder” - Elon Musk
“What you lack in talent can be made up for with hustle!” - Unknown.
“I never took a day off in my 20’s. Not One” - Bill Gates.
Gurus post it daily on social media….
Managers take pride in how many hours they work…
Celebrities tell us it’s the “key” to success…
Our Society is OBSESSED with “hard work”...
It’s easy to feel guilty when you try to take a break… or schedule some ‘time off’ with your family.
But the truth is…
Waking Up Exhausted…Forcing Yourself To Work Harder is NOT Sustainable Long Term!
Have you ever woken up feeling drained… beat up… exhausted and tried to force yourself to work harder!?
Only to give up the moment you run into a challenge…
This is your body telling you to stop!
Independent researchers are warning you that hard work is not the answer.
If you work more than 40 hours per week... check this out…
30% of those working more than 60 hours reported relationship problems…
Little productive work occurred over 50 hours of work…
Productivity declines by 25% over 60 hours…
Working over 11 hours per day increases depression risks…
Despite what society is telling us… Hard work is NOT the key to success or productivity.
Does Your Productivity Come To A Screeching Halt After 2 Weeks Of Hard Work!?
You lie in bed anxiously awaiting the next day so you can get working on your goals…
“This week is going to be different…” you tell yourself.
Your body and mind feel fresh.
You have all the motivation in the world and you’ve got the right intentions.
That first-morning you force yourself to wake up earlier… ditch the unhealthy breakfast… put in longer hours at the gym… and start working on your most important tasks.
A few days go by.
You’re feeling tired but you still have the drive to push forward.
A few days later...
Suddenly you can’t find the energy or the consistency to get things done… and motivation alone doesn’t get you going.
You wake up feeling tired and groggy…your muscles ache and you count the days until the weekend.
You start to feel defeated and deflated… wondering why you can’t work as hard as everyone else…
And your inner critic starts telling you “you’ll never be good enough”...
By the time the weekend rolls around your willpower is LOW…
… you might pour yourself a second drink with dinner… or help yourself to some dessert.
The good habits you started out with are becoming less of a priority…
And by the end of the second weekend, you don’t have the power to push any further…
Your energy has been DRAINED.
As frustrating as this can be… I want you to realise there is nothing “wrong” with you…
Your Hard Work Is Compromising Your Health, Your Productivity And Causing Your Nervous System To Fail.
The reason this two-week cycle is so prominent in our culture is that we try to take on too much too quickly…
We SHOCK our bodies.
As humans we’re subconsciously run by our autonomic nervous system’s two branches:
The parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).
And the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight).
When you push yourself to the extreme taking on more tasks than normal… your fight or flight responses kick into action and your body produces cortisol and adrenaline…
Your heart beats faster…
Your respiratory rate increases…
Your palms start to sweat…
Under normal circumstances your body returns unstressed… but when you ignore the WARNING SIGNS and keep pushing yourself for an extended period of time…
Your body doesn’t have the TIME IT NEEDS to recover...
Your immune system is threatened giving you a higher chance of getting sick.
Your body starts suffering from increased ‘wear and tear’ and your chances of getting injured skyrocket...
You struggle to lose weight or build muscle even though you put in hours at the gym…
Symptoms of anxiety and depression start to appear more frequently
And your testosterone levels drop below healthy levels which can strain your marriage…
I could go on and on…
The bottom line is running your body into the ground through HARD WORK is NOT sustainable.
Eventually, your Sympathetic Nervous System Will Burn you out…
According to Harvard University “ Over time, repeated activation of the stress response takes a toll on the body. Research suggests that chronic stress contributes to high blood pressure, promotes the formation of artery-clogging deposits, and causes brain changes that may contribute to anxiety, depression, and addiction.”
Productivity Tools Can Only Carry You So Far…
There are hundreds of apps and programs out there that claim to improve your productivity and free up your time…
You might have a collection of tools you’re using at this very moment!
They can shed minutes off your tasks… help keep you focused….
I applaud you for looking for a solution but these tools only address the symptoms of an unproductive life…
Not the core problem.
You could follow Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk or Bill Gates’ productivity system but if your energy is as flat as a pancake it won’t make a difference…
The best tools or system in the world will NEVER help you when your body is not prepared to perform.
You’ll continue to work long hours…
Experience higher levels of stress…
And burnout after a few days or weeks (if you're lucky) of hard work.
And when your long term success depends on you showing up day after day… you’re not going to make progress towards achieving your dreams.
But what if instead of working until you’re exhausted and burnt out…
Feeling deflated and beating yourself up for “giving” up…
Or starting the same productivity cycle every two weeks…
You were able to:
Tap Into Your Bodies Natural “Rhythm” To Achieve Long Lasting Success, Consistency And Still Have Time For Your Family!
The natural energy system I’m talking about is the Flow…
Where your autonomic nervous system is in perfect harmony between the sympathetic responses and the parasympathetic responses.
According to McKinsey and Company this is where your
Productivity improves by 500%...
Harvard: found a 3 day high of creatively after a flow.
DARPA: Advanced brain monitoring & darpa: found 490% increase in learning.
University of Sydney: found a 430% increase in problem solving when in a flow.
You can get more done in less time and turn yourself into an overachieving SUPERHUMAN.
You might be familiar with the flow… and how it works.
Your body releases a powerful hormonal and neurotransmitter cocktail… your heartbeat speeds up… your focus tightens… and your pattern recognition improves.
You can link ideas without internal obstructions… and filters blocking your flow.
Your inner critic shuts up and you’re opened to your FULL potential… breaking through the chains that have held you back…
You blend completely into the task in front of you with no distractions!
Maybe you’ve experienced flow where something just felt right… you could work without distraction…
Those my friend... were flow…
The issue with flow is that most people blindly stumble into flow by “accident” and once in the flow they squeeze the life out of it…
Remember what happened to me at the beginning of this letter?
Well, that’s exactly what I used to do too...
I was squeezing as much as I could out of the flow… taking myself out of balance with my body’s natural “rhythm”...
There’s One Major Obstacle Separating You From The Flow… The Fine Line Between Tension And Relaxation.
Maintaining the flow in your life is like walking on a tightrope… It requires consistent adjustment…
And after years of working with the flow I thought I knew everything there was to know…
But my burn out SHOCKED me and made me realise that working in flow around the clock can drain your energy to dangerously low levels.
I started reviewing everything I’d learned about flow… pouring hundreds of hours into the techniques I’d studied and was teaching my clients…
I needed to take a look at the human body… I needed to discover WHY my run in with burnout happened.
Then one night it hit me!
I was laying in bed unable to sleep worrying about how each minute that passed would affect my sleep cycle…
I remembered reading about the cycles our bodies go through on a daily basis and wanted to know if there was such a thing as a “Flow Cycle”
Could the human body’s ability to work in Flow have it’s own ebbs and flows varying in intensity!?
Well it turns out I was onto something…
An intensely focused flow where you perform at your very best only lasts between 90 to 120 minutes before your body can’t work any longer.
Could this be the answer I was looking for?
Had I become so used to working in the flow that I was actually taking it TOO FAR and burning myself out!?
The deeper I dug the more certain I became that THIS was where I was going wrong…
That’s when I discovered the fourth stage of the flow cycle that I was completely ignoring causing my body to burn out…
- Struggle
- Release
- Flow
I was paying NO attention to my body's need to recover…
Immediately I started scheduling adequate recovery into my training and my work schedule and for the first time I could work productively…
But even more importantly CONSISTENTLY without crashing after a few weeks…
Now I want to show you how you can use the four stages of flow to…
Tune Into Your Body’s Natural “Rhythm”, Unlock Peak Performance AND Perfect The Science Of Entering
"The Flow"
On Command!
This, my friend, made the BIGGEST difference in my productivity… allowing me to get more work while working fewer hours…
I was listening to the signals my body was sending…
I was working with the body’s natural “rhythm”...
I was blowing past my previous limitations and becoming consistent in my ability to perform…
I want to show you how you can do the SAME thing in your life…
Because once you develop the ability to work with your body to enter the flow on command… you’ll be able to work WITH your body instead of working AGAINST it…improving your productivity in fewer hours…
The SECRET to improved productivity is adjusting your body based on its current so that you can find harmony and enter flow…
Sometimes you’re going to be more stressed and need to slow things down to enter the flow…
Other times you’re going to be too relaxed and need to kick your body into overdrive in order to access the flow…
Before discovering the techniques I’m about to share with you I struggled to find that balance.
I would follow my normal routines for getting into to flow no matter what my current was…
As a result, I missed out on a lot of productive work and ended up driving my body to exhaustion…
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned about our body's natural Rhythm and placed them into an easy-to-digest step-by-step program… to help you boost your productivity.
Available For The First Time Ever C Wilson Meloncelli’s:
The FLOW of Productivity.
How To Achieve More While Doing Less

This program is the missing ingredient for tapping into the flow on command, boosting your productivity to optimal levels and freeing yourself from your current limitations…
I’ve left nothing out of this program and when you access the information inside you’ll discover…
The ONE simple morning technique for waking up the body and mind that perfectly stimulates your nervous system and sparks creativity, learning and focus for the entire day.
How using forgotten psychological tactics can help you create the PERFECT nighttime routine no matter your sleep type… If you’re NOT a morning person you MUST DO THIS if you want to free yourself from low energy!
The health savvy way to monitor and control your nervous system using nothing more than this ancient breathing trick…
Here’s how to catapult yourself into a relaxation in ONLY a few short breaths… and relieve stress in seconds.
The advanced “Instant flow” meditation strategy you can use to hack into flow RIGHT NOW!
Enter flow on COMMAND! Tap into the powers of Unity, The Lower and The Higher Mind Enter flow on COMMAND! Tap into the powers of Unity, The Lower and The Higher Mind
The 3-step “primal” formula for turning your mind into a blank canvas ready to be painted with your creativity!
Jerry Seinfeld’s amazing method for boosting productivity, creating scripts and turning himself into one of the most powerful comedians in the world. This principle can be applied by anyone looking to build CONSISTENCY into their lives…
The 3 - principles you must follow when preparing your weekly schedule… Follow this plan and you won’t be playing catch up on the weekend or frustrated when things don’t go to plan…
Want to know the easiest way to tune out even the most OBNOXIOUS distractions? Implement this no-nonsense strategy today and your phone will become irrelevant to you.
How to use your limited willpower to your advantage… Using willpower any other way is setting yourself up for disappointment…
What YOUR heart is really telling you about your health… Discovering this blew my mind… You’ll be glad you’re no longer in the dark about this…
If your willpower is weak… do this to build consistency in your life.
Plus… To Give You An Even Greater Chance At Unlocking Your Full Potential… When You Get The Flow Of Productivity You’ll Also Get Immediate Access To
4 HUGE Bonuses!
Bonus #1
The Science of Flow
Discover the science behind why we feel at “One” while in the flow. This is the same “Oneness” budhist monks experience while in deep meditation. This 7-part video series will teach you what makes being flow so addictive.
Inside you’ll discover:

What science, neuroscience and psychology have to say about the flow.
How EXACTLY your brain mixes that hormonal cocktail called Flow
Why Your heart rate variability is directly related to your ability to access flow
How to tap into the deepest parts of our brains to transcend into the flow
Bonus #2
The Path To Flow
Take a deeper look at how to hack into and stay in the flow. This bonus will show you how to crack the code to maintain the flow. Understanding the autonomic nervous system’s link to flow and how to work with your ANS through heart rate variability! This 4- part video series will teach you how to enter flow and drop your resistance along the way…
Inside you’ll discover:

How to overcome your deepest darkest fears and enter the flow… without anxiety
Why your energy determines what you attract in life… GOOD and BAD
Breaking down the 4 stages of flow… What each stage means for you.
Training and Priming The Flow State
Bonus #3
Instant Flow Quick Guide
This streamlined package will help you accelerate into the flow. I walk you through the 3-step formula so you will quickly hack into flow anytime you want! There’s no better way to access the flow on command…
Inside you’ll discover:

Use this 3 step formula to instantly enter flow...
Implement a primal breathing technique into your life so you can achieve balance in all aspects of life
Transform your self from stressed and on edge into the flow with one simple meditation.
Bonus #4
Movement Meditation
This course incorporates practical training towards hacking into the flow giving your physical movements that can hack you into flow. PLUS 4 extra powerful tools to accelerate the process.
Inside you’ll discover:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu secrets for entering the flow
The powerful movement meditation technique to change the direction of flow
Secret behind of binaural beats and how to use them to control your brainwaves
Setting life changing intentions and making continuous improvement in flow
Imagine Working Week After Week Without Slowing Down Or Giving Into Bad Habits…
What would it feel like to know that from the moment you wake up till the time you go to bed at night…
You’ll be fueled with the EXACT same excitement and drive you had when you set your goals…
To feel that SAME passion constantly burning inside your heart…
To possess the strongest belief that NOTHING in this world can stop you.
What would your life look like if you no longer had days where you felt like doing NOTHING...
You no longer ran out of time and couldn’t get EVERYTHING on your to-do list finished…
Or worse… had to tell your wife you wouldn’t be able to make it to the plans she’d arranged for you.
How much happier would you be if your inner critic finally SHUT UP?…
What would that be worth to you?
After sharing this information with my clients and witnessing how transformative this had been in their lives... I thought It would only be fair if I charged at least as much as a one hour session with me for $300...
But I realised this information was too powerful to keep from the public… So many people had already discovered my flow techniques and I would be doing them a HUGE disservice if I didn’t get this information to them…
This was really the missing ingredient for all of my other work...
SO I decided that I needed to make this product as affordable as possible… at least until enough of my previous client’s got it for the limited time LOW price…
So instead of having to pay $147, that I was considering charging for this program...
You can access this program PLUS ALL of the bonuses listed above for only $15…
What would it feel like to know that from the moment you wake up till the time you go to bed at night…
That’s RIGHT!
For only $15 you get:
The Flow of Productivity Program…
Bonus #1 The Science Of Flow
Bonus #2 The Path To Flow
Bonus #3 Instant Flow Quick Guide
Bonus #4 Movement Meditation
Now if for some weird reason $15 seems like too much to unlock your full potential while giving you more time to spend with your family…
Then you’re welcome to click off this page because this isn’t for you. Besides, you’re probably busy with tons of unfinished tasks you should get back to.
But if you’re still with me here, I want to make this decision even easier for you.
That’s why I’m going to take all of the risk…
My 60 Day “Unlock Your Full Potential” Money Back Guarantee.
I’m so confident that The Flow of Productivity program is going to help you reach your full potential… knock off tasks with ease… and still have time left over to spend with your family…

That I don’t want you to risk a PENNY trying all of the life-changing information inside.
Instead, I want you to take 60 days to implement everything inside this book- and let me know when you’ve achieved your PEAK PERFORMANCE levels…
Put this system to the test immediately and watch how quickly you can tap into the flow to get more done at work… in fewer hours.
And If for any reason you don’t feel like the information inside this book transformed your ability to work productively then shoot me an email at [] and I will issue a prompt refund for the entire amount.
You have nothing to lose… and so much to gain.
The Crossroads You Are At Now...
So as it stands you have three choices right now…
Option 1 - You can do nothing at all. Carry on living your life. Risk having to sacrifice your time with your family to finish up work and hope that you have the energy and “willpower” to push through when your body starts slowing you down…
Option 2 - You can try some of the other options out there for improving your productivity.

You might find something that helps you get more done. If you do that’s WONDERFUL!
I want you to get better.
And then you have Option 3 - Try the Flow of Productivity for 60 days at NO RISK and tap into the body’s natural “rhythm” unlocking your full productivity potential.
I want you to really test this out for yourself and you have nothing to lose doing so…
In today’s busy world it’s easy to get distracted and let our responsibilities slide.
It’s easy to feel burnt out or guilty for not working as hard as you think you should… even when your body is SCREAMING out for you to stop.
But you don’t have to carry on like this.
All you have to do is click the Buy Now Button Below and unlock your true productivity potential.
Are You Ready To Experience This Magic Flow Moment?
Once you start using The Flow of Productivity program you’ll notice a change.
You’ll wake up in the mornings feeling more energized… and by the time you sit down at your desk, you feel focused and ready to work… instead of groggy and anxious.
The morning will fly past and you’ll have completed your most important work for the day… without scratching your head asking yourself wondering “where’s the time gone”...
By the afternoon you’ll have the tools at your disposal to tune your body back into flow and knock out even more work…
And by the time the day is done… you’ll still have the energy you need to spend time with the people you love most.
Some people notice this change on the first day.
Others it takes a week.
But by the time the third week rolls around… instead of feeling beat up or deflated… you feel energized and excited to take on the week ahead.
That’s what I call that magic moment…
Where you start to feel a sense of calm wash over you… knowing that you can handle whatever life throws your way… without sacrificing your health or relationships.
Your friends and family will notice you’re more present when you’re with them… and you actually have the energy to enjoy your time with them…
You won’t stress or feel guilty about taking a few days or even weeks off from work…
Your life will be in a balance as you’re guided by the rhythm inside you.
You’ll no longer be held hostage by your body or the inner critic that tells you that you’re not good enough…
This is not a temporary fix.
This is a NEW WAY of life.
This is what I want for you.
To get your “Magic Moment” as soon as possible.
So go ahead. Place your order and start your transformation as soon as possible.

P.S Here are some of the more common questions I’ve received about the Flow of Productivity…
What is the Flow of Productivity program?
The Flow of Productivity program is Wilson’s daily routine for working with the body’s natural rhythms. The program takes you through his straightforward methods for tapping into the flow, boosting productivity, getting more done and still having time to spend with your family.
What is Flow?
The flow is a period of increased productivity. It happens when your autonomic nervous system is in perfect harmony between the sympathetic responses and the parasympathetic responses. Working in flow has the ability to improve your productivity by 500%
I work a busy job, can I use this book and still receive the same results as someone who works for themselves?
The Flow of Productivity has been designed so that no matter who’s using it they’ll be able to supercharge their productivity. Everyone has the power to tap into the body’s natural rhythm and improve their productivity.
You can use this to boost productivity if you work for yourself or are working a job. The program will show you how to design your day so that it fits your circumstances!
I already have a routine set up for productivity. Will this conflict with that?
When you tap into the body’s natural rhythm something magical starts to happen. You have the ability to work in flow throughout the day which means that the productivity systems you already have in place can stick around… Working with your body instead of against it will only make you that much more productive.
When will I notice a difference in my productivity?
You’ll notice a change on the very first day that you implement this system, you’ll have more control over your time and working in flow will allow you to be more productive. The real difference happens for most people in the 3rd week. That’s when they’re used to falling back into old habits and giving up… instead of having to fight against themselves to move forward and work on their goals they’re able to do it effortlessly.
How much time does this require each day?
The beauty of the Flow of Productivity program is that it takes into consideration your body’s natural stat the moment you wake up. Some days it will take you 90 minutes to tune your body into the natural rhythm, other times it may only take a few minutes. The program was designed to give you optimal results but I understand that everyone has different schedules, you can adjust the program to suit your needs and still reap the benefits.
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